快好知 kuaihz

1, She lives in a tiny fifth floor walk-up in New York's East Village. 2, In her walk-up, there would be a bed. 3, He lives on the fourth floor of a walk-up building. 4, You can still buy a walk-up ticket if there's space available, though you'll pay a slightly higher fare. 5, Even through it was just a walk-up, we were on glaciers, rope up, using crampons and ice axes. 6, THE FORMER RED GUARD. The tiny fourth-floor walk-up that Wang Keping shares with his mother, brother and sister is crowded with powerful wooden sculptures. 7, The Kelly factor is big, and Rodman also had a big impact on our walk-up. 8, She lived in a red-brick tenement in Chelsea, an old walk-up building with gloomy stairwells and peeling paint on the walls. 9, Zeroing in on transcontinental fares, he observed, "When competitors are offering walk-up fares of $99 to $109, it's just not prudent to be in that landscape." 10, " said one parlor boss, pointing at some three-story walk-up apartment buildings just off Main Street in Flushing. 11, His parents divorced when he was a child, so he lives with his father and grandfather in a sixth floor walk-up in a crumbling, Soviet-style apartment block near the center of this ancient metropolis. 12, The man who makes the most coveted art in India lives in a small fourth-floor walk-up apartment in a crowded, unremarkable suburb. 13, But any interruption, whether it's an e-mail, a phone call, or a walk-up, will break this flow and it takes time (15 minutes on average based on the statistics) to get back into the flow again. 14, But despite his age Zhou still lives in a modest third-floor walk-up. 15, On April 13, 1964, nearly an adolescent and watching television from the linoleum floor of her mother's walk-up flat in something deep inside of her.