快好知 kuaihz

I should have thought造句
1. If he had done otherwise, I should have thought him a rascal. 2. I should have thought veterinary surgery was reasonably remunerative. 3. That is rather obvious, I should have thought. 4. It's very important to me - and, I should have thought, to you too. 5. I should have thought that good sense would dictate that some one who opposes every measure begins to lose credibility. 6. I should have thought it was very ill-timed to feature this. 7. Any leader, I should have thought, would have demanded loyalty and support from a vice-president as a basic minimum. 8. And marriage, I should have thought, is a false step you must have been well warned against. 9. I should have thought that that matter had been disposed of so fully as to leave no room for doubt. 10. If one's opponent has anti-tank weapons I should have thought the last thing to send in would be tanks. 11. I should have thought he was much younger. 12. I should have thought my offer was reasonable. 13. I should have thought it was worse than that. 14. I should have thought of that. 15. Though I should have thought otherwise, I will bow to your judgement. 16. I should have thought more about my finances before I took such an expensive trip. 17. Scarecrow: But that's so easy? I should have thought of it for you. 18. This seems an odd argument for smoking to me and, I should have thought, to smokers, too. 19. The scent of the tea as I poured it ... I should have thought. 20. She's a pretty child, but hardly his intellectual level, I should have thought. 21. The royal crest is used on the front of the annual report, which I should have thought was improper.