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sail in造句
1, There wasn't a sail in sight. 2, The fishing boats were 15 sail in number. 3, It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this. 4, Sail in and out of the bays not on the open sea. 5, If we sail in a southeastward direction we'll reach land. 6, God bless this ship and all who sail in her. 7, All together!-and we heaved away smartly, raising the sail in smooth folds like a Venetian blind unfurling. 8, But even if you only set sail in a comfy chair, this discussion is richly detailed in its own right. 9, You should never sail in an offshore wind, particularly not alone. 10, Two of us have chosen to sail in the calmer waters of librarianship. 11, The boat would then sail in a circle, dragging the net, until it returned to the point of departure. 12, The thing flapped around like a sail in a transatlantic yacht race, you could have gone surfing on it. 13, Try to sail in a location offering safety cover - a rescue boat to pick you up if you get into trouble. 14, It seems that every time Robin sets sail in his venerable old craft he picks up some award or other. 15, Disadvantages: Lack of volume, thus difficult to sail in all but strong winds. 16, However, when practising always sail in a safe, flat water environment and never venture underneath any diving boards. 17, Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova. 18, Headsail: The sail in front of the mast. 19, I'm afraid you're running a risk setting sail in such stormy weather. 20, The sail in front, called the jib or sometimes the head sail, mounts on the forestay between the bow and the masthead, with its trailing corner controlled by the jibsheet. 21, It was good to be under sail in the brisk wind and under the warm sun. 22, The next day, we sail in sea boat, swimming in sea. 23, Set sail in style with Luxury Liner Tycoon! Outfit your ship with all the latest amenities, including casinos, pools and deck entertainment, then hire your crew to man all the facilities. 24, Two choices blow sail in the quiet sea to history and future terminal point. 25, When Columbus set sail in 1492, his own flagship was shorter than Zheng's mainmast and barely twice as long as the big man's rudder. 26, Nevertheless, de Rothschild insists his craft will sail in the next few weeks and could one day revolutionise the use of recycled plastics in general and the design of boats in particular. 27, The captain charted this area out and it's quite safe to sail in it. 28, There is an analogy here with ships in wartime, which sail in convoys to reduce the numbers lost to submarines. 29, We are willing to join the vast corporate clients to sail in the ocean of opportunities and move with the times for the future development.