快好知 kuaihz

1, Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head. 2, By Western standards the prices are ludicrously low. 3, That was rightly seen as a ludicrously intransigent position. 4, Ludicrously over-equipped tourists might recognise themselves from this checklist: Track or leisure suit. 5, Ludicrously, advance accounts of this novel are cheerfully spilling the beans about the rest of the plot. 6, The ludicrously voluminous Inner notes read like a parody of depraved academicism. 7, It was ludicrously swollen, unnecessarily big and wholly obstructive to anything that looked like a new idea. 8, There's a ludicrously large backlist in books and this could mean a massive new revenue stream. 9, If she insists on buying grains and pulses rather than ready-cooked dishes, she will pay ludicrously high prices for them. 10, Like so many other grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make,[http:///ludicrously.html] this one was ludicrously off-key. Things weren't wrong; they were right. 11, The argument that the average cost of capital is ludicrously low is also no longer true. 12, It transpires that the chest a valuable antique and the price I paid is ludicrously low. 13, A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree, is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness. 14, Like so many other grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make, this one was ludicrously off-key. 15, Like the British public, the American professors think chief executives are ludicrously overpaid.