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financial ratio造句
1. Examples of typical financial ratios are as follows: The above are tests of profitability. 2. Chapter III: Financial ratio prediction method of expressway company. 3. Section two sets forth the basic financial ratio. 4. Combined with financial ratio, the RIV model is characterized by more conspicuous objectivity and verifiability. 5. With these financial ratio indicators, analysts can find the connections between items, summarize the performances and problems, and make relative decisions. 6. Introduce all kinds of financial ratio, bring forward the principal of alarm with ratio method. 7. Secondly, base on financial data, this thesis analyze financial ratio to gain COSCOL's financial profitability, growth capacity, solvency and operational capacity. 8. What are some potential problems and limitations of financial ratio analysis? 9. In general, the debt ratio is a vital financial ratio to indicate the long - term solvency. 10. Thus, traditional credit assessment models, such as financial ratio analysis, multiple discriminate analysis and so on, cannot solve this problem effectively, completely and perfectly. 11. Financial ratio analysis helps us identify some of the financial strengths and weaknesses of a company. 12. Based on their financial ratio index, this paper rates financial positions of 400 companies listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange by non-linear principal component analysis. 13. Keep in mind as well that different accounting assumptions or outright manipulation can skew financial ratio comparisons both within and between companies. 14. But, there are certain flaws in the accuracy and the validity of analyzing result of current financial ratio analysis, and it needs further improvement and perfection. 15. Trend analysis on the financial position, calculation of composite index number of industrial economic effect for Chitianhua and comparison with other public companies were made by financial ratio. 16. In our country, the technology of credit risk measuring still keeps qualitative analysis stage, that is, the debt-to-asset management and financial ratio analysis. 17. This paper formulate several model of financial early-warning based on financial ratio from the angle of financial analysis. 18. The ratio analysis must rely on a series of financial ratio indicators, which show the relationship of one item to another. 19. Cash cost and cash sale income are either the two important cash flow target, or the important evidence of the some financial ratio calculations.