快好知 kuaihz

1, People is the equal of Novocain any day, and, as a bonus, there are no needles. 2, His gums were dead from the novocain. 3, "He didn't use Novocain today, " she primly told him. 4, When he gave her a shot of Novocain, she began to cry. 5, Local anesthetics, such as the Novocain dentists use to painlessly extract a tooth, numb axon tips around the injection site, preventing the cells from firing electrical impulses. 6, Novocain is a trademark. 7, The Novocain was wearing off a little, but I was somehow happy to feel pain. 8, The play was written with a pen dipped into Novocain. 9, "I want a tooth pulled, and I don't want Novocain because I'm in a big hurry,[http:///novocain.html] " the woman said. 10, "Let's have lunch," he begged. "Or is your mouth too full of Novocain?"