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have the blues造句
(1) I really have the blues today. (2) Leave me alone. I really have the blues today. (3) How do you know if you have the blues? (4) Do you have the blues today? (5) Cheer Up, Arie KokWhen you have the blues and are eager to learn how to feel better, use one or more of these four tips for cheering up and feeling good. (6) I don't know why, but I have the blues all day. (7) Many fans and pundits will now have the Blues down as the most likely challengers to end Manchester United's domestic and European reigns in the coming season. (8) I have the blues before sunrise, tears standing in my eyes. (9) Every day is filled with joy, so there's no reason for you to have the blues all day. (10) The blues has finally gotten me today. I really have the blues today. (11) The memory has become a song I sing to myself when I have the blues, a dance I do to celebrate joy.