快好知 kuaihz

1. Vedanta is not merely a philosophical doctrine, but it is practical Self - realisation. 2. He taught them the lofty knowledge of the Vedanta and the soul-melting love of the Purana. 3. Practice of Vedanta in our individual lives: Developing the right mental attitudes. 4. It is not Vedanta. 5. Vedanta Resources PLC, a metals company with iron-ore mines in India, is another company hoping to take make inroads into the iron-ore market. 6. Vedanta is a branch of Hindu philosophy which gives this matter a greater focus. 7. Question: Have you heard about aspects of Vedanta like mantra and initiation? 8. Vedanta is a philosophy; you can understand it perfectly well. 9. In a recent press statement, it said that the "vast majority of the local community in Orissa has welcomed and supported Vedanta."