快好知 kuaihz

1. He was charged with indecently assaulting five women. 2. He was found guilty of indecently assaulting a student. 3. She was deemed to be indecently dressed. 4. Smith admitted indecently exposing himself on Wimbledon Common. 5. Albert Ninham, 75, admitted indecently assaulting two boys aged 12 and 11 in November last year. 6. The young man was found not guilty of indecently assaulting the 16-year-old schoolgirl by the jury after a three-hour retirement. 7. Eight of the paratroopers were found guilty of indecently assaulting the woman soldier. 8. She was dragged into a garden and indecently assaulted - but saved when her attacker panicked after hearing voices from nearby shops. 9. She was rather indecently dressed. 10. For instance Lin Jiaxiang (maritime bureau secretary) act indecently towards female child wait. 11. He would often very impudently and indecently laugh at his companion for his serious behaviour. 12. Ian Beckett, the deputy chief constable of Surrey, has been cleared of indecently assaulting two female colleagues. 13. Bishop Peter Ball went into retirement after being cautioned by police for indecently assaulting a trainee monk. 14. But, it was said, he took him to his flat and indecently assaulted him while two other men looked on. 15. A driving examiner has been jailed for four months for indecently assaulting four women test candidates. 16. A week later Michael Musgrove, 21, was jailed for 13 years for raping three women and indecently assaulting two others. 17. On every deserted street gutted houses sagged open, their contents indecently exposed to view. 18. The Crown's case was that the men were found by the police in a public lavatory behaving indecently towards each other. 19. The prosecuting counsel told the jury that there was no evidence that the victim had been indecently assaulted. 20. Instead, she was put on probation for a year after admitting indecently assaulting four 15-year-old boys.