快好知 kuaihz

1, Under some circumstances, we always habitually talk insincerely. 2, To talk or act insincerely or misleadingly; equivocate. 3, Cangtianzaishang, thick soil next, many things insincerely ah! 4, She congratulated him somewhat insincerely. 5, Too the loquacity, speaks insincerely . 6, Time Aituoao will also have will insincerely, the people inconvenience to get to the root. 7, Say, this step that is the insincerely that the family collects fees stopped. 8, The central meaning shared by these adjectives is insincerely, self - servingly, or smugly agreeable or earnest "" 9, She speaks insincerely when she says nice things to others. 10, Was saying some speak insincerely speech, stabbing pain each other heart. 11, And like its counterparts within the high-performance loop, a program of inclusiveness can be insincerely embraced or carried to ridiculous lengths. 12, Should the white canvas and the costume pearls be insincerely praised? 13, This person is very slippery : he treats people completely insincerely. 14, Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox,[http:///insincerely.html] had neve accused him of being insincerely polite. 15, Consequently, the media's stock - in - trade lends itself to speaking insincerely. 16, There's nothing more frustrating to an American than someone who apologizes insincerely.