acanthosis造句1. The overlying epidermis revealed hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.
2. Result: The categories of acanthosis nigricans were various, and patients with obese acanthosis nigricans usually had a elevated plasma insulin.
3. The histopathological study revealed acanthosis , papillomatosis and large amounts of xanthoma cells in the papillary dermis.
4. Conclusion: Obese acanthosis nigricans is usually associated with insulin resistance, so these patients will be detected the levels of blood insulin and glucose and receive the corret therapy.
5. There's no specific treatment for acanthosis nigricans — but treating any underlying conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, may cause the changes in your skin to fade.
6. With acanthosis nigricans, you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin.
7. CFC syndrome can be distinguished from CS by the rare presence of papillomata, fetal pads, acanthosis nigricans, wrinkled palms and soles, and loose skin of the hands and feet.
8. Objective To explore the relationship between obese children with benign acanthosis nigricans and insulin-resistant and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
9. Pathological changes of the organization, mainly the epidermal cuticle significant parakeratosis, acanthosis cell layer thickening, epidermal sudden downward extension of in-depth dermis.
10. Objective : To investigate the clinical feature of obese acanthosis nigricans.
11. Pathological changes of the abdomen showed hyperkeratosis and mild irregular acanthosis, the granular layer was thin and melanophage and perivascular lymphocytic infiltration in upper dermis.
12. Objective To explore the high risk factors of metabolic syndrome(MS) in obese children with acanthosis nigricans.
13. The histopathologic examination revealed dilatation of intracorneal eccrine ducts with mild focal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.
14. Objective To explore the high risk factors of metabolic syndrome ( MS ) in obese children acanthosis nigricans.
15. Parents of children with type 2 diabetes learn that what they thought was stubbornly dirty skin on their overweight child is actually acanthosis nigricans, a symptom of insulin resistance.