快好知 kuaihz

loose cannon造句
1. Max is a loose cannon politically. 2. He's seen as something of a loose cannon by other team members. 3. Don't listen to him – he's a loose cannon. 4. It only proves you are a loose cannon. 5. He is a kind person, though sometimes loose cannon. 6. One of his friends, with a mixture of admiration and despair, describes him as a "loose cannon. 7. In fact, he's a loose cannon which weselves do abundance damage to we side dawn the man I'm going first lot timest. 8. Woman journalist (Asks Princess Diana. ):Ma'am, a government minister at home has said you're a "Loose cannon" by supporting this campaign. 9. Yeah, I'm going to say it—he's a loose cannon . 10. Some loose cannon in the State Department has been feeding the press all sorts of crap as a diversion. 11. In fact, he's a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I'm running against. 12. Arab elites came to view him as a loose cannon and a dangerous crank. 13. It's from the mayor. You're a loose cannon. You destroyed a city block! He fired first. 14. Of course the Palace can't afford to leave her as a loose cannon. 15. Mark Latham also said Ms Gillard would have been better off giving Mr Rudd the foreign affairs portfolio to prevent him from being a loose cannon in Brisbane. 16. However, he has a reputation as something of a loose cannon — and given Germany's tough stance on bailouts for Greece, the IMF's current role in the country makes Weber an awkward choice. 17. Some of Walsh's higher-ups at Division, however, worried that he was a loose cannon - and this latest mission hadn't dissuaded them from that notion. 18. So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon. 18.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 19. They don't like people who rock the boat, and I could be seen as a loose cannon to some, because I'm questioning a lot of things. 20. Part of the reason was quality control: by definition, an Easter egg is an untested feature. It's a loose cannon that could, in theory, interfere with other, more important parts of the program. 21. A good and qualified diplomat should not be consid - ered a loose cannon. 22. In business decisions, your CEO should be decisive, but never a loose cannon.