快好知 kuaihz

tell a lie造句
(1) I supposed it wrong to tell a lie. (2) She scorned to tell a lie. (3) It was £25, no, tell a lie, £35. (4) We first met in 1982, no, I tell a lie, it was 1983. (5) She wouldn't scruple to tell a lie if she thought it would be useful. (6) No, I tell a lie. (7) She did not think Matilda was meaning to tell a lie. (8) We can not tell a lie, so we confessed we were getting way too many. (9) He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it easier to do it a second time.Thomas Jefferson (10) Would he invent a story, tell a lie, in order to persuade her to go with him? (11) He scorns to tell a lie. (12) I told him not to tell a lie. (13) He makes no scruple to tell a lie. (14) Well, she'd tell a lie about it. (15) It is wrong to tell a lie. (16) We think it wrong to tell a lie. (17) It offends against my principles to tell a lie, even for my own advantage. (18) My mother and dad taught me never to tell a lie. (19) The brain takes longer to tell a lie than to tell the truth. (20) He swore by Jupiter not to tell a lie again. (21) He would think it beneath him to tell a lie. (22) Where the human race has never evolved the ability to tell a lie. (23) It is the first scene of the play chronologically. I tell a lie, it's actually strictly speaking the second scene. (24) A virtue ethicist, however, would focus less on lying in any particular instance and instead consider what a decision to tell a lie or not tell a lie said about one's character and moral behavior.