快好知 kuaihz

1. It creates new joinable threads ceaselessly until failure happens. 2. By default, the new created is joinable. 3. Joinable threads should be joined during programming. 4. In Linux, threads are created in joinable state by default. 5. Quorum resource is not joinable. A multi - node cluster can not be created. 6. If you are creating joinable threads in your program, don't forget to call pthread_join(pthread_t, void**) to recycle the private storage allocated to the thread. 7. The thread resources of the joinable thread are released only after it is joined. 8. For joinable threads, the system allocates private storage to store thread termination status. 9. If they are joinable threads and you haven't called the pthread_join() to join them, each produced thread will leak a sizeable amount of memory (at least 10MB per stack) after its termination. 10. All responding machines appear in the list of joinable clusters. 11. In Linux, threads are by default created in joinable state. 12. As demonstrated in Listing 1 and 2, joinable threads are produced, but they are never joined, so each terminated joinable thread still occupies the process space, leaking the process memory. 12. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 13. If you create a joinable thread but forget to join it, its resources or private memory are always kept in the process space and never reclaimed. 14. If you want to produce a new thread and you need to know how it is terminated, then you need a joinable thread. 15. You can fix the leak by adding code to call pthread_join(), which joins each joinable thread. 16. And most likely, such a memory leak is caused by a failure to join the joinable threads. 17. Listing 1 shows the serious memory leak created if you forget to join joinable threads. 18. Thread bodies consist of active running threads and dead joinable threads. 19. Let's start by reviewing POSIX threads, which can be either joinable threads or detached threads. 20. If the leak exists, check the source code to see if all joinable threads have been joined.