快好知 kuaihz

out of sorts造句
1. He was out of sorts physically , as well as disordered mentally. 2. John's feeling is thoroughly out of sorts this morning. 3. He's always out of sorts early in the morning. 4. I've been feeling tired and headachy and generally out of sorts. 5. She's been out of sorts since the birth of her baby. 6. She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home. 7. Louise went back to work feeling rather out of sorts. 8. Quinn returned home that evening out of sorts. 9. Only Nina was out of sorts. 10. Paul Miller is feeling a bit out of sorts. 11. Would he remain out of sorts as he struggled to readjust to Test rugby? 12. Mandy explained that she'd been feeling out of sorts and had overreacted. 13. Alec Stewart still looks out of sorts as wicket-keeper batsman and his position will again have to be reconsidered. 14. But he was out of work and out of sorts. 15. Miss Pickerstaff might have been out of sorts, but she meant every word she said. 16. Everyone seemed rather out of sorts and inclined to croak. 17. I'm out of sorts because I can't find the nincompoop who botched up the report. 18. If you feel out of sorts, you may please yourself. 19. Slouched into work feeling tired, flat and thoroughly out of sorts. 20. Are you feeling all right? You look a bit out of sorts. 21. His hair, cut short, was flattened here and there, like an animal's fur when it is out of sorts. 22. Peter Tchaikovsky wrote some of his best music during long trips to Italy. But even there music and friends could put him out of sorts. To his brother Modeste he wrote from Rome in April 1890.