快好知 kuaihz

1. This typeface has been chosen for maximum legibility. 2. Ensure accuracy and legibility of clinical and legal documents. 3. Maintain professional confidentiality. Ensure accuracy and legibility of clinical and legal documents. 4. Readability and legibility are often confused. 5. The writing on the document is beyond legibility. 6. Legibility of text is one of the most important things to be kept in mind. 7. In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read. 8. Conclusion The legibility of image factors and percept of tourist were strengthened through organizing and designing the factors of urban tourism image in spatial landscape of urban. 9. These highly legibility, fixed pitch fonts are based on ProCon's HVFont design. 10. Another important factor that affects the legibility of a printed text is leading -- the amount of space between the lines of print. 11. In fact, the legibility of the spring was dissolved only gradually. 12. The only constraint on writer input was that some care was taken over legibility. 12. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 13. Fortunately, some sediments, by rare good fortune, survive from very ancient times with little or no loss of legibility. 14. It is not the easiest language to learn, but it has structure and legibility. 15. Set the MM6 and external playback equipment volume controls to appropriate levels. If necessary, adjust the legibility of the LCD display by using the LCD Contrast Control. 16. With tetrachloroethylene or some other suitable liquids applied on a scratched microform during printing, hard copies of good legibility can be obtained. 17. It is this dismantling that interests us, this unsuccessfulness which confers upon its becoming certain legibility and limits its historical opaqueness. 18. This online edition contains all text from the original book in its entirety. Some figures have been modified to enhance legibility at screen resolutions.