快好知 kuaihz

1 He comes home from school and raids the larder. 2 There wasn't much food left in the larder. 3 Walk in larder. Gas cooker outlet. 4 And the larder was locked again. 5 Also two wild ducks in the larder. 6 The breadboard is on the larder shelf. 7 No dead birds in the larder in springtime. 8 It's in the larder, so the cats don't get at it. 9 I have substituted the similar word larder, referring to a place where food is stored. 10 Joe also did his best to restock the larder, though food prices were even higher than in Miyako. 11 She filled it from the larder and the fridge. Cold chicken. 12 The cat somehow insinuated itself into the larder. 13 Billy just managed to scrape through the larder window. 14 There is the larder there. Make free with the food. 15 Life was much larder in the aftermath of the war. 16 Think that crops in our fields are a free larder? 5. 17 Tony Smith broke clear and found room for Steve Larder to outpace the home cover on the left. 18 More faces can easily be loaded on to a machine, like stocking a larder with exotic ingredients. 19 We are willing to eat garbage for lunch because the larder is always empty of foods we actually want. 20 But the fact remains: Corn is an inherent ingredient in our traditional larder. 21 To my relief I found there was an unopened bottle of wine in the larder. 22 She also said she'd poison all the food in his larder, only the larder was locked. 23 One City caterer has found a novel use for it in the larder. 24 A wine cellar is a sanctuary, a museum, a larder or an ego trip. 25 Wow! There it was, hoofing the lino by the larder door. 26 First you make dead, then you wish to rob his larder.