快好知 kuaihz

(1) Fred pilots an eggbeater for an oil company. (2) Need the ready implement: Eggbeater composes ice cream machine. (3) First, learn a good eggbeater by keeping the hands in the water and learning the alternating sweep of the legs. (4) Eggbeater kick allows you to kick breaststroke without the stretch and potential strain across the groin. (5) Fred has piloted an eggbeater for an oil company for about 10 years. (6) Matt Farrell : You meet killed a eggbeater with a car! (7) Loie Fuller, after performing Fire Dance, was described as doing little more than turing round and round like an eggbeater. (8) A second possibility is that, as the dying star spins, its strong magnetic fields are wound up into complex shapes like spaghetti in an eggbeater . (9) Our factory is specialized in producing stainless steel poise, seasoning container, cover, break tongs, hollowware holder, eggbeater and etc. kitchenware and barbecue kitchenware.