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1. The sound waves come legato, not staccato. 2. As mentioned in the introduction, the LEGATO.INI that you see here is one I made earlier from sticky-backed plastic. 3. Move back to the Program Manager, highlight the Legato icon with a single mouse click, and press the Delete key. 4. And more legato, to make this moment last. 5. Legato and staccato on the harmonica. 6. A legato passage or movement. 7. Even though I want to play completely legato, in my mind there's still a preparation. 8. To develop a more singing legato , Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers. 9. Play this legato, please. 10. Legato. 'And as your thinking improves, your immune system improves, your digestion is better, you don't compensate by overeating or drinking, and your anxiety levels go down. 11. In particular, this is true for a good legato – it is really difficult to accomplish, especially when the player has to alternate between blowing and drawing breath and use the slide button. 12. Legato and staccato are important musical terms, mainly because it is very difficult to produce them well on the harmonica. 12. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 13. In accord with its graphic image, the desired detachment stands half-way between a mild staccato and a legato. 14. Still, Lawrence delivers the entire program with great reserves of power and an extraordinary sense of legato. 15. The physical means for holding these melodies together is the legato technique, which was described in chapter five. 16. Set your metronome at around 50 beats per minute, where each beat is a quarter note. This is a legato exercise, intended to develop sensitivity between the tip of the tongue and the tip of the reed. 17. As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds. 18. This paper, combined with the characteristics of electronic organ, describes in detail the legato and non-legato playing methods commonly applied in the process of playing. 19. The mind, inspiration, and imagination have much to do with it, but the actual legato effect must be accomplished by physical means . 20. Flowing English speech should stand on awareness and building of coordinated legato enveloping stress timed rhythm and step down of pitches. 21. "Simply remembering an unpleasant incident can bring back the same terrible sadness and agitation to women that they experienced at the time, " adds Dr. Legato. 22. Its unique function is to express passionate, festival, and unrest emotions, forming strikingly comparison with long bows and legato bows. 23. She wore it throughout an international tour opening for the Pussycat Dolls in 2009.By Scott Legato/FilmMagic. 24. Estrogen activates a larger field of neurons in women's brains during an upsetting experience, explains Dr. Legato, so they experience the stress in greater and more precise detail. 25. 'The way you see yourself can be challenged and changed, and it can literally create new neural pathways in your brain,' says Dr. Legato. 26. "This includes stories read aloud from books, as well as verbal arguments, " says Dr. Legato, author of Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget.