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1, The front of me was a microbus . 2, Does microbus pay together much money of compulsory insurance in upper family of Taiyuan? 3, Parameter sensitivity of fuel economy of the microbus was analyzed. The analysis was very useful to improve the automobile fuel economy. 4, But if you want to make the microbus more comfortable you must make the airflow and the temperature field in the microbus more reasonable. 5, To fund their business, Jobs sold his Volkswagen microbus. Wozniak sold his calculator. 6, The wider and prolong lifting platform, more suitable for the medium microbus, and easy operation for repairing bottom part of vehicle. 7, Michele 'Mikey' Carlson Squires was brushing her teeth Friday night when a TV news report about a Volkswagen microbus caught her attention. 8, When we finish, about one hour from now, we'll board a microbus in front of this gate and go to the Obayashi plant, where most of our production is done. 9, The research on the air conditioning matching of HAISHI SY-6480 microbus.