快好知 kuaihz

1) This book will delight readers who crave an overabundance of historical fact. 2) Besides the over-abundance of grease, pores can also become blocked by dead skin cells through an acceleration in cell production. 3) As the churning mass swelled within him his resilient Goblin digestive system got to work on the over-abundance of raw material. 4) The main reason, without a doubt, was the over-abundance of manpower. 5) Water resources overabundance or shortage will result in crisis. 6) Four - year - olds have an overabundance of energy. 7) An overabundance of Noggin seemed to cause stem cells to wear themselves out, threatening their ability to make additional neurons in the future. 8) Overabundance of coat, or cottony texture, impractical for field work should be penalized. 9) In early brain development, there is an overabundance of unspecified connections between neurons. 10) An overabundance of omega-6 fats can also produce inflammation in other areas of the body that increase risk for heart disease, stroke and dementia. 11) Unless you have an overabundance of time and patience, keep your distance. 12) Already there an overabundance of engineers, lawyers, accountants, and other specialists. 13) I was told in the third grade that I had an overabundance of original sin. 14) From the 1920 s through the 1980 s, America's agricultural problem was overabundance. 15) Minneapolis , which was the first city this season, seemed to have an overabundance of untalented people. 16) Northern countries richly endowed with performing food sector, and overabundance of food. 17) Objective To analyze the causes of infant's eye secretion overabundance and corresponding therapies.