快好知 kuaihz

rush out of造句
1) The children rushed out of school. 2) He rushed out of the bar and chundered in the street. 3) He jammed on his hat and rushed out of the house. 4) Other students rushed out of the classroom, but she kept behind. 5) A man rushed out of the bank and two men took after him. 6) Water rushes out of huge tunnels. 7) Andrew rushed out of the house, shouting for help. 8) A middle-aged lady was seen rushing out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray. 9) She rushed out of the room with her pajamas, when snow was spitting. 10) The reporter was given the bum's rush out of the club. 11) The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom. 12) He got steamed up and rushed out of the house. 13) I rush out of the room, turn the key in the lock ... and what's this? 14) She sprawled flat on the hard wooden floor, her cry abruptly silenced as all the air rushed out of her body. 15) It is obvious to see from the photos that nuff of them were rushing out of their heads! 16) He looked at Nigel Steen and saw the glint of tears in his eyes as the young man rushed out of the door. 17) He made a hasty sign of the cross and rushed out of the church. 18) He asked my permission to call Reagan, and rushed out of the room. 19) Chris said she laughed and he had to rush out of the house or he'd have killed her .... 20) David rushed out of the house and asked where we were going. 21) He saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. 22) When the gunpowder burns,[http:///rush out of.html] hot gases rush out of the nozzle. 23) I will lead China Football rush out of Asia, rush to the world! 24) But the Germans rush out of the ball to the goal. 25) Destroy the prison house of name and form and rush out of it with the strength of a lion.