快好知 kuaihz

1. Stainless steel baffle - water proof and antimagnetic. 2. The bridge deck will be partly constructed in antimagnetic material. 3. Our Products -- antimagnetic filtering, fire retardant, insulation, anti - ultraviolet, anti - corrosion . 4. Please try our new products, all in stainless steel, water resistant, antimagnetic and shockproof. 5. An impacted mini - air - motor is and developed to be applied in the combustible, explosive and antimagnetic conditions. 6. Every one needs a watch that is waterproof, shock - resistant and antimagnetic. 7. In addition has the high sensitivity, the corrosion preventing , the antimagnetic special bearing. 8. High - quality tape - recorders ( radio cassette recorders ) made in China are water - proof, shock - resistant and antimagnetic.