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scientific calculator造句
(1) I was just looking for your scientific calculator. (2) Enhance your SmartPhone with this scientific calculator. (3) The four-function calculator now turns into a scientific calculator when you rotate the phone 90 degrees. (4) Scientific calculator function calculation, square roots prescription, angle radian calculation, 2, 8, 10,16 between hexadecimal conversion. (5) When Hewlett-Packard invented the HP-35, the first hand-held scientific calculator, in 1972, the device was banned from some engineering classrooms. (6) It's a scientific calculator. (7) Summary : A scientific calculator enabling evaluation of floating - point expressions in infix notation. (8) Enjoy the power of a real scientific calculator inside your Nokia phone. (9) A simple scientific calculator. (10) The nurse needs a scientific calculator to take your pulse. (11) Scientific calculator is widely applicable to the pupils , middle school students, teachers, researchers and other people. (12) More complex annuity problems can also be programmed on nearly all business and scientific calculators rather easily. (13) The usage of PSMS is demonstrated with a simple scientific calculator program. Experiments show that PSMS is a useful and efficient tool for monitoring program behaviors. (14) Now you'll Tcl your desktop with a more complex GUI program: a scientific calculator written in a mere 50 lines of code (see Listing 2). (15) REQUIRED - Two notebook binders for labs and notes, and a scientific calculator. Every page in the notebooks must be numbered in pen. An email address is recommended. (16) Remember struggling with reverse Polish notation on your first scientific calculator? (17) RealCalc, a free Android application, does everything you'd expect from your HP or Texas scientific calculator –and often a lot quicker as well.