快好知 kuaihz

copy from造句
1. He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor. 2. The pupils just copy from textbooks and learn facts. 3. This picture is a copy from Raphael. 4. He traced a copy from the original. 5. Don't copy from your neighbour! 6. A copy from a previous colour has exploration. 7. Maggie tried to copy from Jeanie. 8. You can copy from a single table or from joined tables. 8.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 9. Yes. I copy from Torres, from Santos Hern á ndez and Hauser. 10. Yes. I copy from Torres, from Santos Hern á ndez and Hauser. And, I add something. 11. This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer. 12. Then it becomes public property and you can, for a small fee, obtain a copy from Somerset House in London. 13. In retrospect he criticized one of his old drawing masters for encouraging students to copy from photographs. 14. An admirer of hers had written it to ensure some early coverage, having got a proof copy from her publishers. 15. Create new empty file in the Class folder called implementedGenOperation.TODO.override.javajetinc or copy from Resources. 16. It can be implemented simply by uploading all the old local data to the server, and then downloading a fresh copy from the server before going offline. 17. In micrographics, a measure of the remoteness of the copy from the original material, the first microfilm representation being the first generation microfilm. 18. Even then, it still includes the database protocol overhead and memory copy from the server space to the application space. 19. A local variant of the 98k style rifles were often called the "Chiang Kai-shek rifle" a Chinese copy from the Mauser Standard Modell. Another rifle they used was Hanyang 88. 20. You can get this form from the Tribunal or print a copy from this website. 21. Some men borrow books; some men steal book'and others presentation copy from the author.