快好知 kuaihz

1 He's also a bit of a technophobe and has been having problems getting on the list. 2 As a resolute technophobe, Buffett sat out the incredible run-up in technology stocks during the late 1990s. 3 Technophobe Sims hate television. They will never watch television except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment. 4 My barber, an avowed technophobe whorebuilds antique motorcycles and doesn't own a PC, benefited from theinformation economy when I found him by googling for barbershops in myneighborhood. 5 In such a world, there will no longer be any technophobes or computer illiterates-everyone will use a computer. 6 If this criticism of Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia had come from an outsider—a dyed-in-the-wool technophobe—then nobody would have paid much attention. 7 Where previously he posted lots of photos without restrictions so even the more technophobe members of his extended family could see them, now he's more cautious.