快好知 kuaihz

1) She's a confident, self-possessed public speaker. 2) She is a confident and self-possessed public speaker. 3) She always seems so calm and self-possessed. 4) She is clearly the most articulate and self-possessed member of her family. 5) Then Miss Foley, the Director's secretary, calm and self-possessed, wearing always that secret smile. 6) She was no longer the dedicated, self-possessed Miss Chilcott of Yelton. 7) Asks you to be self-possessed! 8) She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed. 9) I wished to become self-possessed, to be able to play with hostile minds as Hamlet played, to look in the lion's face, as it were, with unquivering eye-lash. 10) Because I am self-possessed, determined, and a little bit mean. 11) She enters, sunny, self-possessed, and giving a staggeringly convincing exhibition of ease of manner. 12) Wailes, who cuts a dapper, self-possessed figure on the podium, showed an impressive compulsion, driving his forces along with insistent power. 13) Here the child's voice lost its self-possessed note and became falteringly human. 14) She is maturing into a self-possessed and articulate young woman. 15) Actually, you seemed pretty self-possessed. I remember you knew myname, and I remember you vanishing quite spectacularly. 16) Discovering that I was only self-possessed with peo- ple I knew intimately, I would often go to a strange house where I knew I would spend a wretched hour for schooling sake. 17) On Feb. 15, 1965, a diffident but self-possessed high school student named Raymond Kurzweil appeared as a guest on a game show called I've Got a Secret. 18) It has the structure simply, is self-possessed lightly, is convenient quickly and so on the characteristic. 19) Even the more 12)self-possessed , like Candy Pratts Price, seem 13)in the grip of awe. 20) Herta starts to breathe differently as we kiss; she is always self-possessed; every move of mine is coldly monitored. 21) Until tragedy and fate catch up with her she is always mistress of the situation, coolly self-possessed. 22) She was a pretty girl with fair curly hair and brown eyes, very self-possessed and a good dancer. 23) He felt genuine awe at this superhuman man, at once so puissant, so self-possessed, so monomaniac in his demeanour. 24) She had a head of flowing auburn hair and carried herself in a self-possessed manner touching on the arrogant. 25) She examines court transcripts and is amazed to find a self-possessed young woman in herself. 26) So its final fulfilment will lie not simply in the realisation of a wholly self-possessed life. 27) How near to her heart the echoes of her child's tread came, and those of her own dear father's, always active and self-possessed, and those of her dear husband's, need not be told . 28) If "fan" means a excessive and fanatical spectator, we can say "expert" is a excessive and self-possessed fan. 29) It seemed to me, that the more intelligent and self-possessed a chick-lit heroine, the less she can navigate traditional boy-meets-girl setups. 30) On my third nanny interview I encountered a reserved, self-possessed mother of a baby girl the same age as my son.