快好知 kuaihz

1. The embattled president had to resign. 2. The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers. 3. The embattled army finally surrendered. 4. Embattled homeowners wanting to sell their homes will face further problems this year. 5. It has a nave, chancel and low embattled tower. 6. This was an embattled and a battling faith. 7. Or else it becomes an increasingly embattled stance, out of touch with the world. 8. He is the embattled president of a university seeking to raise its stature on the higher education landscape. 9. An ambience of embattled loneliness hovers over most of them. 10. The embattled mayor explained his position in an interview after the rally. 11. So powerful had these embattled minorities become, that decent chaps like him had been forced upon the defensive. 12. The projecting porch with its embattled parapet is rendered with local marl and is a late sixteenth-century addition. 13. The embattled Chancellor had been hoping for a public show of loyalty from the Prime Minister. 14. Embattled Mr Major did manage to avert an immediate world trade war. 15. The method of radar optimize embattle and the detection techniques for radar networks are studied in this paper. 16. General Huang order the whole army embattle. See the General coming battlefield, The morale uplift immediately. 17. Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island. 18. From political correctness to the flagging tenure system, the right of unadulterated academic lip flapping seems increasingly embattled. 19. And what Republicans recall is that in each of those contests, the embattled party lost the national election. 20. It is here that the dauntless cavalrymen of Ellyrion rest when they return from their long sweeps through their embattled land. 21. And maybe it's also a haven of peace, after the embattled years. 22. He needed intelligently and forthrightly to answer her charges and demonstrate sympathy for her embattled position. 22.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 23. After discussing method for integrating stiffness matrix and load embattle, they are integrated with'set - in - right - position'rule. 24. Based on these analyses, the method of radar optimize embattle is presented. 25. In chapter 2, the gist and method of radar networks optimize embattle are discussed.