快好知 kuaihz

1. She felt lighthearted and gay. 2. He leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works. 3. The children looked lighthearted now that the final exam was over. 4. But serious or lighthearted Central News always brought you the offbeat, like the catfish who loved to be fed by hand. 5. It would be something lighthearted, some comedy. 6. She was annoyed at his lighthearted attitude. 7. She was annoyed at [ with ] his lighthearted attitude. 9. What he proposed was lighthearted seriousness or serious lightheartedness -- like that of a sportsman in a game or an actor in a play. 10. It was a lighthearted, funny card with a cartoon on the front. 11. Her afterword is both earnest and lighthearted, an author's reflections and a politician's commentary. 12. I have long . affixed Curtain With a lighthearted mood to Waipojia. 13. He had a lighthearted disposition and a soul filled with optimism. 14. Lighthearted floral and star shapes leap off of the deep blue background creating a holiday feel. 15. I might try a lighthearted approach and tell them that George Burns used to sing of how he wished he were 80 again; they don't like to hear it. 16. Her face was a prominent advertisment of the lighthearted English countrygirl. 17. By merely letting drop one lighthearted remark, Miss Pao had Fang hooked. 18. Hearing her lighthearted tone, Hung - chien smiled and said, " For my sake, suffer a little injustice. " 19. All of that, and their shows are giddy, engaging, lighthearted and just plain fun. 20. Stephenson the parrot guides the young user at every scene, helping the player by giving hints in a lighthearted manner. 21. The editorial team have tried to achieve a balance between matters which are of major concern to staff and some lighthearted topics. 22. I still have a copy of Spring 1931 Nonesuch - a much more lighthearted effort than your current issue. 23. On arrival at the hospital, however, she relaxed a little, even managing a few lighthearted words of encouragement. 24. The audio - recording of the performance is intended to be humorous and lighthearted. 25. So distinct was Dufy's mark on the visual arts that the word "Dufyesque" is often used to describe the style of work that is gay, lighthearted , and decorative. 26. It was a bit of his part -- it was all very lighthearted. 27. Certain playful patterns are good for days when I feel lighthearted.