nostalgically造句1 Tim spoke nostalgically of his first visit to Peru.
2 People look back nostalgically on the war period, simply because everyone pulled together.
3 They spent an hour together, talking nostalgically as they wandered slowly down the coast road.
4 Nostalgically, the old door numbers still stuck among the mass of code and jargon names slapped on the services since then.
5 The elements of YlDishkait are often nostalgically drawn from the values exhibited in SHTEtl life.
6 Equally nostalgically,[www.] observers from the ex-Yugoslav countries sat together as a group.
7 Nostalgically, Clinton people now refer to early February as a time of "joyful chaos."
8 Reminiscing nostalgically on a recent TV interview about riding his bike through Beijing's alleys 30 years ago, Bush described his experience as "fantastic."
9 A famous Egyptian film, "Nasser 56", lingers nostalgically over the Egyptian leader.
10 Lagarde looked back nostalgically yesterday to the London G20 summit in April 2009 as a moment when all leaders came together, noting: "I hope that will happen again."
11 This slower-growth world isn't all bad: People remember nostalgically the period that began in the late '50s as the era of postwar prosperity.
12 One could still watch black-and-white films from the liberal pre-Nasser era on television and find ancient taxi drivers nostalgically crooning songs by Umm Kulthum or Abdel Halim Hafez.
13 The only thing I'm afraid of is that we will someday just go home and then we will meet once a year, drinking beer, and nostalgically remembering what a nice time we had here.
14 The eras of manhood that we look back to nostalgically as models of "when men were men" – I'm thinking, for example, of the Mad Men era – were times of stunning conformity.
15 Undermining Faith. Christians are sometimes inclined to look back nostalgically at the medieval world as the great age of faith.
16 In the innermost area of my heart, perhaps, I belong to the countryside. My most unrelieved memory goes to the warm soil: this is the nostalgically attached complex.
17 The Estate of Unrest must be one of the zones most nostalgically remembered by EQ players.