快好知 kuaihz

1. I don't know somebody who are mammonism . 2. They didn't want to fall a victim to mammonism. 3. I didn't want to fall a victim to mammonism. 4. It is generally said that mammonism is the root cause. 5. On the other hand the mammonism is in vogue, the humanities spirit appears the serious crisis. 6. Mammonism phenomenon form a nubbin quoted by medical morality base line and d... 7. Mammonism phenomenon form a nubbin quoted by medical morality base line and duties of medical risk. 8. And consumerism, hedonism and mammonism are the power that causes the advertisement to become "culture". 9. Mammonism is not only a problem of Amos time, but also of our time. 10. Teachers'right-oriented will probably lead to egoism and mammonism which hinders teachers'professional ethics construction . 11. The trade and the mammonism seriously corrodes the society lives each stratification plane. 12. The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc. 13. In a word, there is no denying the fact that Commercialism and Mammonism erode all spiritual values, and degenerate the cultural fabrics of a society.