快好知 kuaihz

1. If yurt accommodation runs out, then there are the chalets. 2. Finally, we can get into a Mongolian yurt. 3. His yurt stood behind the temple. 4. He brought us back to our yurt. 5. Alkhan - Yurt, meanwhile , became infamous for the butchery and rape committed there by the Russians soon afterwards. 6. While yurt has become travel, horse riding has become a kind of experience. 7. Mongolian children, said grid, full language for the yurt, or Mongolian Po. 8. A yurt is a portable, felt - covered, wood lattice - framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads. 9. Mother left the yurt with a barrel of horse milk in her hand. 10. Yurt is a traditional Mongolian dwelling house. It is also an epitome of Mongolian culture. 11. Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile. 12. The Tush kyiz is hung in the yurt over the marriage bed of the couple, and symbolize their pride in their Kyrgyz tradition. 13. We put a match to ours and it goes up with a rocket-like roar, heating the yurt in a flash. 14. The antechamber outside Artai's apartments was hung with silks like a yurt. 15. There was a minstrel sitting on a stool by the yurt wall. 16. From now to October, the prairie is green. We can live a hotel in Hailar or in a Mongolian yurt on the grassland. 17. Now the Flat Tax Rate is equally the fruit of the Anti-Nazi inquiry of Communism, so then bring all its benefits to bear in the Great Yurt of GOG! 18. I had been looking forward to going out with Urmat to herd the sheep at sundown, so I am disappointed when he merely stands outside his yurt making clucking, yodelling sounds through cupped hands. 19. In December 1999, Dima was shot in the chest in the village of Alkhan - Yurt.