mortification造句1. The chairman tried to disguise his mortification.
2. To my mortification, my manuscript was rejected.
3. Imagine my mortification when I found out.
4. To the mortification of the show's organizers, the top performers withdrew at the last minute.
5. To his mortification, he was criticized by the managing director in front of all his junior colleagues.
6. To the mortification of the partners the Royalty was to remain unchanged at one-twelfth.
7. Will the mortification never cease?
8. It is our nation's mortification.
9. Poverty for us is a freedom mortification, a penance.
10. Sanctification is a process of mortification and vivification.
11. He was wallowing in mortification.
12. To his mortification, he was criticized by the manager.
13. The niyamas ( observances ) are purity, contentment, mortification, study and devotion to God.
14. Myrrh has been associated with bitter repentance , mortification of the flesh, and penance.
15. I don't really want to spend the weekend working, but as they say, a little mortification of the flesh is good for the soul.
16. Mones, for example, began peeking out of his shell of mortification.
17. Irony abounds: In late winter 1992, Hillary Clinton soldiered on through public mortification toward the greater goal of the presidency.
18. To counterbalance this earthly anchor the only remedy has been self-discipline and mortification of her natural inclinations.
19. Manager : Ah! The famous Monsieur poirot. I grovel in mortification, I grovel !
20. The Chinese modern literature before the new period became break the ranks cause the mortification literature policy and yarnsmith's sequacious craze.
21. Beyond the prelature's adherence to the arcane ritual of corporal mortification, their views on women were medieval at best.
22. The body is transcended and the soul is made pure by mortification of the flesh—including piercings with these needles—in the annual Hindu fire-walking ceremony on Viti Levu Island in Fiji.
23. Miss Ophelia looked keenly at him, and saw the flush of mortification.