doh造句1 Would you sing me a doh, please?
2 Even now, the force is hampered by DoH dogma and defensiveness.
3 The DoH is committed to monitoring the new arrangements until July, but the findings will not be released until then.
4 Volume three of the DoH guidance, on family placements, set outs how local authorities should plan and review.
5 The DoH said new guidance under the Children Act may be ready by the summer.
6 Further modifications to the Code proposed by the DoH will clarify this point.
7 A DoH spokesman said the new guidance will clarify where inspectors can play a legitimate role.
8 A DoH spokeswoman is confident that last year's 50 percent increase will help accommodate this year's shortfall.
9 The DoH says Meningitis C vaccine has proved to be safe and effective.
10 Sing me a doh, honey.
11 He had learned to snap doh, re , me.
12 The test case structure is illustrated by using a demonstration module, demo.doh, that is placed as a peer module to the Dojo directory structure.
13 In the case of demo.doh, it is a module that has a file containing helper functions and a simple DemoWidget.
14 While the DOH can be daunting for the novice user, it is a flexible and powerful unit testing framework.
15 When a doh.Deferred object is returned from a unit test, you must catch all errors from the asynch call and pass them to the object's errback method.
16 Writing your own test suite with the DOH can appear daunting at first, but it is actually not very difficult.
17 Crayons, plains and Play - Doh are also good because they allow children to create.
18 With other JavaScript Unit Test frameworks, the synchronous functions would be easily testable, but the asynchronous function demo.doh.demoFunctions.asyncEcho and the widget would not.
19 Update: Doh, this is from 2007. This cross-country move is throwing me out of wack.
20 Doh Qvixote is a funny comic character created by famous Spaniard author Miguel de Cervantes Seavedra(1547 -1616). His character shares both comedy and tragedy.
21 The group was announced in January as part of the DoH post-April monitoring plans.
22 The Support Force was launched in September 1992 by the DoH in a disastrous public relations exercise.
23 The nursing advertisement would have been paid for by the DoH.
24 The issue had been complicated by unclear statements from the DoH.
25 If wrapping was not done, the test would still fail on an error, but all the DOH would report is the test timed out.
26 If they reduce the price of hamburgers at McDonald { doh } s today I feel terrific.
27 This is also not difficult. You write an HTML file that redirects to the runner.html of the DOH.
28 Well, you define an HTML file that instantiates the DOH, instantiates widgets, then defines the test functions to execute.