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1. Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis. 2. The Commission has powers to order divestiture of unauthorised mergers. 3. The priority after the divestiture, though, will be reducing debt, he said. 4. Divestiture, as a tool of capital manipulating, plays an important role in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets and adjusting industrial structure. 5. The divestiture of non - performing assets for the company to build a healthy balance sheet. 6. The court found divestiture to be necessary in preventing a monopoly. 7. The divestiture takes place two years later on January 1, 1984. 8. The methods of corporationcontraction include divestiture offequity carve - out , stock repurchase, targeted stock, voluntary liquidations, etc. 9. Upon the application and justification of the divestiture obligor, the Ministry of Commerce may properly extend the time limit for ownership transfer, as the case may be. 10. Divestiture has been applied widely overseas, which has become a well - rounded capital operational mode. 11. We can found out the minute difference of divestiture from this chapter. 12. Divestiture may also form a part of a policy to deconcentrate an industry. 13. Both railroads want major concessions in the form of track rights and divestiture of certain rail lines in exchange for their approval. 14. Among the international clients with whom we have forged solid relationships, we number many with specific merger or divestiture needs. 15. No regional Bell Operating Company is presently allowed to own more than 4.9% of the stock of a telecommunications manufacturing company. See Divestiture. 16. A group of students gathered in front of the administration building to demand divestiture. 17. What do this all covered with ice and snow two beautiful woman divestiture do? 18. These include pecuniary penalties, injunctive relief, compensation, punitive and non-punitive orders and divestiture. 19. UNIX - based minicomputer, manufactured by AT & T and widely deployed by the Bell Operating Companies prior to divestiture. 20. Finally it made research that AHP applied in the course of divestiture. 21. I think it's going to be incumbent on Google to demonstrate why these functional separations are sufficient and why structural full divestiture sorts remedies are not.