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freedom of religion造句
1. The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion. 2. Article 1 of the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. 3. Nobody is violating your freedom of religion. 4. Many came to America to enjoy freedom of religion. 5. Freedom of religion even extends to inventing one's own. 6. What does freedom of religion mean? 7. We can have freedom of religion but should pledge our loyalty only to our nation. 8. The Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and this, plus the fact that church property is tax exempt, ought to mean that anyone can go anyplace to worship. 9. It freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. 10. Whereas, the protection andlimitation on the freedom of religion party and association are various. 11. We believe in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, especially freedom of ( political ) expression. 12. We call upon Eritrea to stop violating the freedom of religion of its people. 13. Why? I think that European countries have policy of freedom of religion. 14. Opponents see this as a violation of rights to freedom of religion.