快好知 kuaihz

1. He made some wisecrack about my lack of culinary ability. 2. Listen, bud, enough of the wisecracks, OK? 3. Sadly, despite the crazy antics and the relentless wisecracking, there's very little plot to carry this film. 4. The cab-driver couldn't resist one last wisecrack. 5. Amy responded with a wisecrack that got her in big trouble with the teacher. 6. Once again, the wisecracks fly as fast as the bullets - and are just as deadly. 7. His wisecrack tickled his girlfriend. 8. To make or utter a wisecrack. 9. He made a wisecrack about my ability. 10. And the thing is, the papers played it up like he was wisecracking. 11. Bob Hope would keep his audience laughing with an endless stream of jokes and wisecracks. 12. I am sorry to say that there is too much point to the wisecrack that life is extinct on other planets because their scientist were more advanced than ours. 13. In doing so, however, they are agreeing that every party photo, love poem, and wisecrack from a friends that appears on their profiles will be visible to White House Web masters.