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1) PEM are elastic and viscid material. 2) The boundary layer correction is needed for viscid drag. 3) the viscid lining of the intestine. 4) It shows good application future in high viscid oil wells and sand product. 5) Furthermore, it can be concluded that an active viscid membrane and a high melting point constituent which can fix viscid membrane are the esse. 6) Anthocarp clavate, 3 - 3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded. 7) Herbs annual or perennial, sometimeswithtuberous roots, usually viscid pubescentwithuniseriate glandular hairs. 8) Blood-enriching drugs usually are viscid and greasy in quality, so, over dosage may affect appetite. 9) A fully coupled two-phase viscid nozzle flow of SRM is numerically simulated with FLUENT software. 10) The inner flow of turbine is 3D viscid, incompressible and unsteady turbulent flow. 11) Air-drying UPR may avoid the influence of the oxygen and harden to form film without viscid surface, and its advent widens the using field of UPR. 12) Objective:To establish a method for the determination of polysaccharide in cultivating liquid of photosynthetic bacteria transforming ramulus viscid. 13) Conclusion:The method is simple, accurate, reproducible and suitable for the determination of polysaccharide in cultivating liquid of photosynthetic bacteria transforming ramulus viscid. 14) A species of ground cherry(Physalis ixocarpa) native to Mexico, widely naturalized in eastern North America, and having an edible, yellow to purple viscid fruit. 15) The seminal vesicle functions as a gland, secreting and storing the viscid component of the seminal fluid. 16) The proper squeeze which is a or repeated essential technological process before processing the attapulgite clay can make it dissolved and make it more viscid and colloidal. 17) At present studies on the propagation of seismic wave in porous media, viscid media,[http:///viscid.html] and anisotropic porous media are of frontal subjects of research. 18) Having the texture or properties of gum; sticky and viscid.