快好知 kuaihz

1) In the Alps and Apennines mountain ski resort to enjoy the pleasure of the driving range. 2) A town of central Italy in the Apennines northwest of Naples. 3) It was a bitterly cold winter with thick snow; both sides were bogged down in the Apennines from December to April. 4) The partisans showed great courage, but some of them had to withdraw from the Parma Apennines down towards Tuscany. 5) Rome was set up by a group of islanders who lived in Apennines peninsula. 6) This stretched from the Tyrrhenian Sea inland across the Apennines, low but steep mountains that today's savvy hikers avoid in winter—a choice the Allies did not have in 1943. 7) Here is also found a large alluvial plain, the Po-Venetian plain, drained by the Po River and its many tributaries flowing down from the Alps, Apennines and Dolomites. 8) A river of central Italy rising in the northern Apennines and flowing about 24 km (50 mi) to the Ligurian Sea. Flooding of the Arno has caused severe damage to art treasures in Florence. 9) San Marino , in case you've forgotten, is a micro - nation in the Apennines, completely surrounded by Italy. 10) A city of north - central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north - northeast of Florence.