快好知 kuaihz

1 As the years went by his nastiness began to annoy his readers. 2 Her nastiness really threw me. 3 She's sending out great waves of nastiness. 4 Are they not bulletins on the nastiness of mankind? 5 This nastiness is the handiwork of Rep. 6 Nastiness is only really relevant when there is a threat of social and economic meltdown. 7 Clinton, sweeping smoothly over the recent nastiness, this week presented his friend as the visionary of a new Middle East. 8 I flinched at the nastiness of his wound. 9 He was disgusted at the nastiness of crooked politics. 10 On the scale of oncological nastiness, malignant melanoma is pretty close to the top. 11 An unspecified bit of nastiness which can be cast on someone who steals something. 12 I'm thinking about describing the nastiness of human beings, the sordid part of relationships. 13 His politics are not of the kind which nurture nastiness; he was fashioned for finer things. 14 Also, it was nevertheless her Sunday best and, as such, had a certain innate dignity in spite of its nastiness. 15 Not to neglect decency, or cleanliness, for fear of falling into Nastiness. 16 Unfortunately, many workplaces today ignore, forgive or even encourage nastiness. 17 Look at all the havoc and destruction you've caused because of your nastiness. 18 The style, methods,[www.] and rhetoric of opponent of the war descended to a level of nastiness. 19 But of course there is also a long history of extreme intolerance and nastiness. 20 Theophrastus's "Characters, " written in the fourth century B. C. , paints a portrait of a hairy, scabby sloven named Nastiness, who doesn't wash his hands after dinner.