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1. La Geode, in Paris, is a unique spherical building with a cinema inside. 2. AMD Geode HW Random Number Generator support. 3. The design includes a 433MHz AMD Geode processor, 128MB of RAM, 1GB of NAND flash (instead of a hard disk), a 7 1/2-inch dual-mode LCD, wireless networking, and even a video camera. 4. The AMD Geode LX processor was selected due to its feature integration (graphics processor) and low power requirements (1.3W is typical at 433MHz). 5. You'll also find compiler and library support for Thumb2 (compressed ARM instructions) and for the ARMv7 architecture as well as tuning support for Core2 processors and the Geode processor family. 6. When I was young I dreamt of flying,[/geode.html] but never to go into a geode internally covered with transparent crystals. 7. Home Feng Shui to change the gas field, with the Amethyst Geode with the use of a better effect. 8. The next possibility is to drill a hole to fix a window in the geode to show the tourists. 9. At the same time, it preserved the characteristic feature of microprocessors AMD geode : theextremely low energy consumption. 10. This actually possesses unique and beautiful features with a hollow and rounded nodule of rock or Geode. 11. He told BBC News Online that up to 10 people could sit inside the geode - an object normally small enough to hold in your hands. 12. The same, salt - saturated fluids could have filled up the Spanish geode, which lies near the coast. 13. In addition, AMD has the aforementioned credibility issue because the company never competed in ultramobile space with the exception of its Geode processors on the very low end.