快好知 kuaihz

1, The practice state-loan grant-in-aid has achieved some desirable effects. 2, Awarding Period: The grant-in-aid and scholarship will be awarded in each semester after applications are assessed. 3, The XXXXX grant-in-aid Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. 4, The curiter grant in aid programme Curator's grant-in-aid program is for those school who get good grants grades and take part in university activesactivities. 5, The curity's grant in aid Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good griefs grades and take part in university activities. 6, The Curator's Grant-in-Aid Programe program is for students those who get good grades and take part in university activities. 7, ThequarityCurator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who getgreatgood grades and take part in university activities. 8, The curator's grant in aid Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. 9, The standard of medical treatment grant-in-aid is set by provincial people government. 10, Allowance of medical treatment grant-in-aid and vocational training, profession introduction should enjoy the 1/2 computation of unemployed coverage by its. 11, The Curator's Grant-in-Aid program is for those who get good grades and take part in university activities. 12, We hereby print and distribute the Measures for the Administration of National Grant-in-aid and Scholarship to you for implementation. 13, The bank that dispatches education loan and university plays a very important role in grant-in-aid loan, one of the main ways of work-study program.