reverentially造句1. He reverentially returned the novel to a glass-fronted bookcase.
2. She lowered her voice reverentially .
3. Now they are being embalmed - dutifully and reverentially, as befits faithful but defunct servitors of mankind.
4. It was low-pitched and reverentially modulated, a nice, crisp, modest baritone.
5. Said spoke of him reverentially - of his "redoubtable medical expertise and remarkable humanity" that kept him going during his darkest times, and there were many.
6. Every piece of Wilson's masterwork is reverentially placed back together.
7. Fear him means to live reverentially according to the mind and heart of God.
8. Quietly, almost reverentially, I closed the door and, taking a purposeful deep breath, I walked back along and out through the front door, turned and slammed it shut on my old life.
9. The children hold their palms together reverentially to receive my offerings of candy.
10. He grinds the stub down carefully and looks at it an instant reverentially.
11. When the tree spirit recognizes the baby's Buddhahood to come, he appears from the trunk, and reverentially folds his hands, worshipping the child.
12. And then, on turning a corner, we found ourselves clearly above the tree line and there, undeniably, it was: Mount Fuji, or Fuji-san as it is reverentially termed in Japan.
13. Since it opened, tens of thousands of visitors from China and abroad have visited Chairman Mao Memorial Hall every day to reverentially pay their respests to and cherish the memory of Chairman Mao.
14. As I've written before, someday people are going to reverentially study the success of the Mac during Tim Cook's tenure. It's a miracle.
15. said its formula for matching people — company executives refer to it almost reverentially as The Logic — came from a decade of empirical data on proven, successful couplings.