快好知 kuaihz

1 His leadership kept the team's esprit de corps intact during difficult periods. 2 He was the guy who developed an esprit de corps among the committee members. 3 But there was enough esprit de corps among our group to overcome this discomfort with a minimum amount of grumbling. 4 The regiment had a strong esprit de corps. 5 Had a strong esprit de corps and work enthusiasm. 6 The esprit de corps of a footBall team. 7 The Lotus Esprit might be an exception! 8 These estimators include the signal subspace methods, ESPRIT and WSF. They possess good statistical performance. 9 We need a strong leader to keep our esprit de corps intact. 10 As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking. 11 Orgone , esprit , loosh , prana, elan vital, and bio - electricity are some of these names. 12 Esprit de corps. Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization. 13 Medoc was born from this sacred union...Esprit d'Estuaire is a honor to the Estuary of the Gironde. Its viticulture and its wine-making respect the traditions of the Medoc. 14 The results indicate that ESPRIT algorithm based on vector sensor can obtain higher resolution frequency estimation than that based on pressure hydrophone. 15 Last year, the company reportedly tried to unload its domestic division,[www.] although Esprit officials denied it. 16 I saw for myself what you gain when you build esprit de corps among your salespeople. 17 As an amateur Margaret Mead, it's the point at which guests give themselves over to the esprit de wedding that's much more compelling than the whole with-this-ring pomp and circumstance to me. 18 Works dependably , sincere, can withstand the tremendous pressure, has esprit de corps. 19 Based on analysis of spectral characteristic of helicopter acoustic signal, a method of extracting harmonic frequencies from the helicopter acoustic signal via ESPRIT is proposed. 20 PAUL AUSTER'S new novel is a curious jeu d'esprit—though the jeu isn't much fun and the esprit is pretty gloomy. 21 Volkswagen is there with a presentation that exudes passion and esprit. 22 We must get the work done in time, and esprit de corps is of the essence. 23 This erodes the kind of institutional identity that helps create esprit de corps, and often leads to politics trumping policy. 24 Esprit Ltd. to create Chui Ping Zou trade: the creation of Esprit types of business? 25 I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and esprit de corps of the Rangers.