unconstrained造句 (61) A no - line - search parallel nonlinear conjugate gradient method ( NLS - PNCG ) for unconstrained optimization is proposed. (62) The dog was unconstrained. (63) In this paper, a method for solving unconstrained optimization problems, which is called"proper conjugate direction method", is developed. (64) Total gradient method can also be used for solving unconstrained optimization problems.英文造句bavarialivingstoneflat fileproject sponsorarterial roadfly agaricfree houseeject fromthalesnurse"s aidedata layoutdiffractivenonparticipationtreblydeoxidantearthlightprogressive tax rateelectrochemical processleftismspringfieldskin patchtax consultantin plasterwithholding agentinvestment firminsider informationhigh commandlay tovariorum