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road hog造句
1. Neil - the indefatigable road hog, tireless adventurer, tired. 2. A road hog nearly ran me off the road. 3. That taxi driver is such a road hog. 4. A road hog forced Smith's car into the ditch. 4.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 5. I can not believe what a road hog that truck driver be. 6. I had to swerve when that road hog overtook me and cut in front. 7. That truck driver up ahead sure is a road hog. 8. A long line of cars was unable to pass that road hog. 9. The man in front of us is really a road hog. 10. That Guy was driving down the center of the road hog; he hogged the whole road. 11. You'll never be able to pass that driver. He's such a road hog.