快好知 kuaihz

1, She had been foully murdered during the night. 2, Old mouth McEnroe, who can't stop himself from foully abusing anyone in authority with whom he disagrees. 3, Two policemen were foully murdered. 4, This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim fundamentalists. 5, This internationally known writer was foully condemned by the Muslim '. 6, Two of the King's most loyal servants have died here, foully murdered. 7, When you say that I murdered him treacherously and foully , you lie. 8, My hair, beard,[http:///foully.html] face and shoulders were drenched with foully acrid fluid. 9, He came back with it to where they held Guy of Gisborne prisoner. Guy was cursing most foully . 10, The hostel's communal bathroom was so humid and the squat toilet reeked so foully that the predominately young clientele had nicknamed it "The Pit".