快好知 kuaihz

1. Why does mebendazole not interfere with the titration of levamisole hydrochloride in chloroform? 2. RESULTS:The results showed that the solubility of mebendazole and its diffusion from oil to water were the rate limiting steps. 3. Why can the content of mebendazole of this compound tablet be assayed by the spectrophotometric method? 4. Objective To observe the effect of mebendazole against adult worm of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. 5. Aim To study the action of mebendazole on larvae of Trichinella spiralis and its parasitical muscle. 6. Objective To observe the effect of praziquantel, mebendazole, tribendimidine, ivermectin, artemether and dihydroartemisinin against Amillifer agkistrodontis nymphs harbored in mice. 7. Higher concentrations of albendazole and mebendazole exhibit no killing effect on C. sinensis, besides stimulating the motor activity of worm oral sucker. 8. A method of detecting mebendazole residue in eel muscles was established. 9. It has been in use for determination of residual mebendazole in the washings of mebendazole equipment. 10. Objective: To probe into the characteristics of MRI appearance in acute and subacute demyelinating encephalitis caused by compound mebendazole. 11. Object: To establish methods of quality control and quantity control for mebendazole pellets. 12. Objective: To observe the destroying effect of levamisole, albendazole and mebendazole on Hymenolepis nana eggs in vitro. 13. Treatment includes medications that paralyze or kill intestinal parasitic worms, such as albendazole or mebendazole. 14. Conclusion: The methods were simple, accurate, and could be used in the quality standard of mebendazole pellets. 14.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 15. Pupils were given 2 tabs of albendazole and 2 tabs of compound mebendazole separately to dispel roundworm, and the negative transformation rate of eggs was 96. 16. Objective To observe the anthelmintic efficacy of different therapeutic course of mebendazole on trichuriasis.