快好知 kuaihz

1. Axis Blitzkrieg no longer gives accuracy penalty. 2. He planned to use the blitzkrieg, or "lightning war, " tactics that had defeated the rest of Europe. 3. Adolf Hitler failed with his blitzkrieg to defeat the western alliance. 4. Blitzkrieg – Increases the Ground Attack and Shock Attack values of Armor units. 5. In German,[/blitzkrieg.html] Blitzkrieg means lightning war ( Blitz - Krieg ). 6. He planned to use the blitzkrieg, or "lightning war, " tactics that had defeated the rest of Europe. The invasion had three broad thrusts: against Leningrad and Moscow and through the Ukraine. 7. Hitler's blitzkrieg attack on western Europe succeeded for a while. 8. And though he acted with what seemed at the time like blitzkrieg aggressiveness, he regretted in later years that he hadn't moved even faster. 9. Was it a plan to build a last secure bunker in the Lena Valley if Leningrad and Moscow fell to the blitzkrieg? 10. The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic. 11. Without warning, Ukrainian troops attacked with a speed andnot seen since the blitzkrieg of WWII. 12. He came to power as Prime Minister just as the Blitzkrieg descended upon Britain's outposts.