palaver造句1. We could have done without all this palaver.
2. We don't want all that palaver, do we?
3. What a palaver over nothing!
4. What a palaver there was about paying the bill !
5. Organizing the annual office lunch was such a palaver, I swore I'd never do it again.
6. What a palaver it is, trying to get a new visa!
7. What's all the palaver about?
8. There's been a lot of palaver about feminist oversensitivity to language.
9. No more fuss or palaver; no more mush or blarney.
10. Budget palaver and acute short-termism seem to go hand in hand.
11. For all the palaver about men playing full parenting roles, fathers desire, seek, contrive and protect their anonymity.
12. Can't have this sort of palaver going on, not here.
13. The boy tried to palaver his mother into letting him stay up later.
14. Between them all, they managed to get Liam to the house, the twins being much amused by all the palaver.
15. Will they view it as an opportunity to attack their opponents or deliver empty palaver?
16. If you can't be bothered with any of this palaver, buy a whole fillet of beef.
17. However, another fascinating question, hitherto absent from the current palaver, may prove more tractable.
18. For costly company serve is ours honoured. Zealousness welcome hugeness consumer presence supervise, palaver and speak for.